This is a very late entry for Tag Tuesday, have been so busy I am way behind with challenges, hope its not too late. This challenge should have been a doddle for me as anyone who knows me knows that I am a total hoarder, I have boxes full of "found items" & buttons, threads,beads and just "junk" I also keep lots of clothing tags. The flowered paper on my tag is Kath Kidston wrapping paper a birthday present came in( too pretty to throw away) the metal tag was given to me by a friend, I,m sure she told me it was from a candle packing although its says butterscotch and almond cookie on the paper it was attached to,maybe that is the aroma!The wording is part of a clothing tag,sanded to make it a bit less pink,the flower is a left over from a previous project,the lace paper is from some very old stash and the ribbons are scrap pieces. The Image is new though and its from Crafty Individuals.